Welcoming baby home after birth brings great anticipation, anxiety, and readiness. Unleashing La Magie de L'Instant, is an exercise of being in the now, moment after moment, observing, listening with all your senses and awareness through the repetition of the day-to-day care. It deepens your bond with your baby at the same time provides you with genuine and suited resources in discovering parenthood. It becomes an art of living and parenting.
Your child becomes the focus of your attention and the best "teacher" of all. It is essential to approach parenthood as such. From birth, the sacred dyad parents and child enter this space of learning, becoming, transformation and growth together, in partnership, in equal exchange. At the start, we do for baby, and as she grows and acquires healthy independence, we do with her.
Discovering "La Magie de L'Instant" is based on refined observation, listening, and adapting skills to better appreciate your newborn personality and needs, as well as learning how to deal with anxiety and accept the changes. Consequently, it offers an ability to enter in honest and genuine connection with self, partner, and your baby. Approaching the beginning of parenting with such respect, patience, and empathy fosters the family values that you ought to transmit to your child.​
40-Day Virtual Support
In many cultures around the world, the sensitivity of the newborn is respected, and the child is protected in a supported, sacred environment with his mother and intimate family, especially during the first 40 days after birth.
Women are given the privilege and support to slowly and respectfully recover from birthing, and enjoy a cozy time building a loving relationship with their newborn.
Respectful Sleep
We view sleep conditioning from a holistic approach based on several alike sleep philosophy from Dr. Gary Ezzo and pediatrician Robert Bucknam, Dr. William Sears, Dr. Harvey Karp “5 Ss”, Tracy Hogg Baby Whisperer, R.I.E. parenting. Emphasizing parental leadership of the infant's sleep, play and feeding schedule rather than allowing the baby to settle on a plan of when to eat, play and sleep.
Newborn Care
The adage" it takes a village to raise a child" is undoubtedly true. Most new or more seasoned parents need the most skilled guidance and emotional support in the first few weeks after birth. Mothering the Family is your personalized support system.
We video--consult to address all your questions or issues about newborn care routine, schedule, sleep, colic, reflux, swaddling techniques, kangaroo care, breast-feeding, bottle-feeding, and much more.
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
We are certified Khalsa Way and Kundalini yoga teacher, and wisdom coach. From the comfort of your home, we offer an 1-on-1 live session via Zoom meeting to support your wellness lifestyle, guide you initiate and maintain a spiritual yoga and meditation practice__ A deep breath-in within your weekly fast pace lifestyle or during pregnancy.